It’s 10:30 a.m as employee Drexler Frazier prepares for the morning brunch crowd at Stag bar in Portland, Oregon. In the club’s crowded basement, Frazier begins the transformation into drag as he listens to a gospel playlist on his phone. “It’s my

It’s 10:30 a.m as employee Drexler Frazier prepares for the morning brunch crowd at Stag bar in Portland, Oregon. In the club’s crowded basement, Frazier begins the transformation into drag as he listens to a gospel playlist on his phone. “It’s my favorite genre of music, he says. “There’s something just so soothing about it.” Photo by Jessica Smith.

 One of the first steps every drag queen takes when getting into drag is the ritual of gluing down the eyebrows and if necessary, covering up any 5 o’clock shadow that may start to show in the middle of a performance. Frazier uses techniques such as

One of the first steps every drag queen takes when getting into drag is the ritual of gluing down the eyebrows and if necessary, covering up any 5 o’clock shadow that may start to show in the middle of a performance. Frazier uses techniques such as baking and setting in order to get the most out of his makeup. He doubles at Stag as both a DJ and a female impersonator for Sunday’s “Testify” event. Photo by Jessica Smith.

 As Drexler nears full transformation into Nay-Nay Cartier, (his stage persona) the butterflies begin to set in.  When asked if he still gets nervous after four years of being in the business he answers, “Oh absolutely. I get nervous every time.” Unl

As Drexler nears full transformation into Nay-Nay Cartier, (his stage persona) the butterflies begin to set in. When asked if he still gets nervous after four years of being in the business he answers, “Oh absolutely. I get nervous every time.” Unlike other entertainers, Frazier’s act is partially improvised with each new performance. Photo by Jessica Smith.

 With the final touches secured, Nay-Nay Cartier is finally ready to take the stage. The brace on her finger serves as a visible reminder to play nice with other performers.  This injury in particular was obtained during a quarrel with Nay Nay’s co-h

With the final touches secured, Nay-Nay Cartier is finally ready to take the stage. The brace on her finger serves as a visible reminder to play nice with other performers. This injury in particular was obtained during a quarrel with Nay Nay’s co-host and best friend, Alexis Campbell Starr. Photo by Jessica Smith

 Once on stage, Nay-Nay Cartier’s nerves dissipate and her confident demeanor draws eager patrons who flock to tip the boisterous beauty. Photo by Jessica Smith.

Once on stage, Nay-Nay Cartier’s nerves dissipate and her confident demeanor draws eager patrons who flock to tip the boisterous beauty. Photo by Jessica Smith.

  It’s 10:30 a.m as employee Drexler Frazier prepares for the morning brunch crowd at Stag bar in Portland, Oregon. In the club’s crowded basement, Frazier begins the transformation into drag as he listens to a gospel playlist on his phone. “It’s my
 One of the first steps every drag queen takes when getting into drag is the ritual of gluing down the eyebrows and if necessary, covering up any 5 o’clock shadow that may start to show in the middle of a performance. Frazier uses techniques such as
 As Drexler nears full transformation into Nay-Nay Cartier, (his stage persona) the butterflies begin to set in.  When asked if he still gets nervous after four years of being in the business he answers, “Oh absolutely. I get nervous every time.” Unl
 With the final touches secured, Nay-Nay Cartier is finally ready to take the stage. The brace on her finger serves as a visible reminder to play nice with other performers.  This injury in particular was obtained during a quarrel with Nay Nay’s co-h
 Once on stage, Nay-Nay Cartier’s nerves dissipate and her confident demeanor draws eager patrons who flock to tip the boisterous beauty. Photo by Jessica Smith.

It’s 10:30 a.m as employee Drexler Frazier prepares for the morning brunch crowd at Stag bar in Portland, Oregon. In the club’s crowded basement, Frazier begins the transformation into drag as he listens to a gospel playlist on his phone. “It’s my favorite genre of music, he says. “There’s something just so soothing about it.” Photo by Jessica Smith.

One of the first steps every drag queen takes when getting into drag is the ritual of gluing down the eyebrows and if necessary, covering up any 5 o’clock shadow that may start to show in the middle of a performance. Frazier uses techniques such as baking and setting in order to get the most out of his makeup. He doubles at Stag as both a DJ and a female impersonator for Sunday’s “Testify” event. Photo by Jessica Smith.

As Drexler nears full transformation into Nay-Nay Cartier, (his stage persona) the butterflies begin to set in. When asked if he still gets nervous after four years of being in the business he answers, “Oh absolutely. I get nervous every time.” Unlike other entertainers, Frazier’s act is partially improvised with each new performance. Photo by Jessica Smith.

With the final touches secured, Nay-Nay Cartier is finally ready to take the stage. The brace on her finger serves as a visible reminder to play nice with other performers. This injury in particular was obtained during a quarrel with Nay Nay’s co-host and best friend, Alexis Campbell Starr. Photo by Jessica Smith

Once on stage, Nay-Nay Cartier’s nerves dissipate and her confident demeanor draws eager patrons who flock to tip the boisterous beauty. Photo by Jessica Smith.

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